Welcome to TrackTrendy

Step into Data

OwnershipControlMastery with TrackTrendy

Step into Data OwnershipControlMastery

with TrackTrendy

Discover a Google Analytics Alternative That Prioritizes Your Data and User Privacy. 

Trusted by users who cares about privacy

Why ChooseTrackTrendy.com?

Empower your business with advanced insights while maintaining the highest standards of user privacy.

Privacy at the Core:

Our unwavering commitment to user privacy sets us apart. Experience analytics without compromising on ethical data handling.


The Google Analytics Alternative:

Seeking an alternative to Google Analytics? Look no further. TrackTrendy.com delivers robust analytics with a strong focus on privacy and control.


Data Mastery, not Data Collection:

We’re here to help you master your data, not just collect it. With TrackTrendy.com, you’re in command of your insights like never before.



Features That Define Us

Unleash Data Insights: Navigate the intricate landscape of user behavior with our intuitive and customizable analytics dashboard.

Zero Compromise on Privacy: Your data belongs to you and only you. Our platform ensures complete data ownership and protection.

Cookie-Less Brilliance: Say goodbye to cookies. Embrace advanced tracking that respects user privacy while offering unparalleled accuracy.

The cookie friendly analytics tool


The Journey with TrackTrendy.com

The Journey with TrackTrendy.com

Analytics without compromise

Seamless Integration:

Integrate TrackTrendy.com into your existing workflow effortlessly. Our comprehensive documentation makes the process a breeze.

100% Guaranteed

Elevate Your Decision-Making:

Make informed choices backed by insights that matter. Our platform empowers you to fine-tune strategies for optimal results.

User-Centric Insights:

Understand your audience like never before with deep insights that reveal their preferences and interactions.

Embrace Privacy-First Analytics:

Join the ranks of businesses committed to ethical analytics practices. Choose TrackTrendy.com and demonstrate your dedication to user privacy.

Our Client's Testimonials

── "Their analytics helped us uncover valuable insights, leading to a significant boost in engagement and conversions."

    Richardo Lim
    Richardo Lim


    ── "Efficiency, reliability, and attention to detail are what make Wrapmax our go-to packaging partner. Their solutions have exceeded our expectations every time."

      Jonathan Dume
      Jonathan Dume


      ── "Wrapmax provided exceptional support. Their creative packaging solutions and dedication to customer satisfaction have been invaluable to our business."

        Robert D. Soul
        Robert D. Soul


        Users who care about their privacy.

        Help Center

        Answers to your analytics questions

        Experience analytics with integrity. Welcome to TrackTrendy.com – where innovation meets privacy.

        We use advanced tracking methods that do not rely on cookies or invasive techniques. This approach respects user privacy while delivering accurate and actionable insights for your business.